Customers Demand Soft Skills
You don’t have to be a sociologist to know that people crave personal validation. We see it every day in the workplace – the mere act of saying hello to your office mates as you walk into the building or waving goodbye as you leave a zoom call can make a difference. Of course, the
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Workforce Rookie Brochure
Workforce Rookie Start their Workforce career steps ahead! Dynamic Works’ Workforce Rookie program is your workforce starter explosion! Being new to workforce can be overwhelming and we know that new employees stay and feel effective when they know what they are doing. Workforce Rookie was developed with that in mind—a fast paced, interactive workforce development
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Foundations of Workforce Development Professional (CDWP) Brochure
Foundations of Workforce Development Professional (CWDP) Move your career forward with a nationally recognized credential. Earning a professional credential elevates your career, improves your promotability and identifies you as a true professional who has advanced education in your area of specialization. Aligned with a nationally recognized credential through the National Association of Workforce Development, our
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Dynamic Works Overview Brochure
Transforming the value individuals, corporations and community organizations get from their jobs. The average person will spend 90,000 hours—nearly 1/3 of their adult lives—working. So, it’s not hard to see how the quality of our work lives impacts our overall enjoyment of life. The more fulfilled we are at work, the more fulfilled we are
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Dynamic Possibilities Virtual Summer Earn and Learn Program Brochure
Helping those with different abilities navigate the world of work. Dynamic Works realizes the specific needs for ALL abilities and created the Virtual Summer Earn and Learn (SEAL) program, Dynamic Possibilities, to give your young adults the pre-employment work readiness and transferable skills they need for SUCCESS. Dynamic Possibilities is a suite of 9 interactive
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Shecession: the COVID side effect that a vaccine can’t prevent
Shecession, coined by C Nicole Mason, president and chief executive of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, is a term meaning an economic crisis that disproportionally affects women. On February 7, 2021, a New York Times article reports 4,637,000 payroll jobs lost by women in the US since March 2020 compared to 3,829,000 total payroll
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Celebrating Black History Month
February is Black History Month and gives us an opportunity to celebrate Black culture and history. 45 years ago, in the late 1970s, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month, calling upon the country to ‘seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history’. In
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