There is no one just like you.
No one can bring to a job precisely what you can offer, from your unique personality to your specific skillset and experiences.
Capitalize on that!
As the economy reopens, people are looking for jobs or looking to change careers.
You need to stand out in the crowd.
You know that you deserve that job or internal promotion and by following our networking and interviewing tips below, your soon-to-be boss recognizes that as well.
DWI wants you to set yourself up for your next career move.
Know Your Value, Refine Your Skills
- Determine what you’re best at, where you shine and hone in on that. Think about where you get complimented on your work. What do your peers and bosses recognize as your most significant value to the organization? Think about which part of your work brings you the most fulfilment.
- Uncover what areas you may be lacking in or tasks that are a struggle. Seek out courses or intensives that can help you improve your weaknesses to make you more marketable. Perhaps this is the time to pursue some certifications in jobs you already do well or stretch yourself to master a new skill finally.
- Be honest with yourself – understand and acknowledge shortcomings and figure out ways to address those. It might be as easy as looking at what you always put at the bottom of your to-do list! We tend to put off those tasks we like least.
Stand Out in the Crowd
- Have a strong elevator pitch about yourself — a ‘Why YOU!’ Find a trusted friend or colleague to practice with. It could be the most important 3 minutes of your career.
- Think about what makes you unique. Lots of people might fit the role you’re applying for, but you need to convince them that you are the BEST fit
- Dress for success. Ensure you’re well-dressed, appear professional and practice speaking with confidence. First impressions are essential.
- When looking for an internal promotion, make sure you create a list of accomplishments and achievements that showcase your qualifications. Internal interviews allow you to focus on particular skills and company-specific tasks.
Network to Your Advantage
- Work your current network – ask for introductions where applicable. Don’t be afraid to be specific when asking for what you need to move forward. Use LinkedIn as a resource for introductions and connections.
- Put yourself out there. Conferences and professional events are an opportunity to increase broaden your network and be seen. Attending events/forums that may be outside your comfort zone is a great way to help you practice your pitch and make connections
- SMILE – be friendly, approachable and sure of yourself and what you can bring to the table as an employee. If you show confidence in yourself, you’ll be sure to shine through to your future employer!
Next Steps
Whether you’re ready to take the next step with your employer or looking for advancement outside your current organization, let DWI help you stand out from the crowd with their courses focused on building your Life Skills and Leadership Skills.
If you are a workforce development professional consider improving your chances of advancement with a CWDP Certification.
Dynamic Solutions has the gold standard in courses for workforce development professionals.