Dynamic Works Institute

Onward Inclusion Advantage

Dynamic Works Institute and PRIDE Industries have come together to create the ONWARD Inclusion Advantage, a unique, four-tiered inclusive workforce educational program designed to instruct individuals, departmental managers and organizational leaders on how to create an inclusive company culture for all people. Our partnership combines PRIDE’s 55 years of inclusive workforce development and consulting expertise with Dynamic Work’s 40+ year history in training and, more recently, virtual career services to transform workplace experiences.

Individual, team and organizational workplace inclusion certification

Times have changed. Today, winning organizations build brand value and high-performance teams by reflecting the diversity of their entire community. This includes an inclusive workforce that comprises a broad representation of all people. Typically, under- or unemployed, people with employment obstacles/challenges represent the nation’s largest untapped talent pool. With training and support, these employees become part of motivated teams offering high retention rates, low absenteeism and their unique skills and perspectives.

Begin your journey to an inclusive workplace

ONWARD Inclusion Advantage is a four-tiered program designed to meet the needs of individuals and teams – from introduction to inclusion, including skills and needs for supervisors and managers and advance course work on how to work with and champion an inclusive companywide culture for people of all abilities. Diversity of thought and experience leads to more innovation companywide. Create a competitive advantage through an empowered inclusive workforce. Earn and proudly share certifications as you and your team journey through the courses and become corporate Inclusion Champions.

Embrace Inclusion consists of online professional development courses for all employees in organizations of all sizes. Studies show that inclusive work environments help businesses outperform their competition, building brand loyalty
while making a positive community impact.


These interactive virtual courses will guide participants through activities and educational material designed to
raise awareness for people who are in the untapped workforce, strengthening an overall focus on equity, inclusivity and sensitivity in the workplace. Participants will gain an appreciation for the value of respect and understanding for all people.
Course Includes:

  • Inclusion 101
  • Inclusion Success
  • Diversity in Workforce Development


What you will learn: By challenging stereotypes and shifting perceptions of a diverse population toward understanding, acceptance and respect, participants will develop a deeper appreciation for the value that all people bring to an organization and the benefits of an inclusive workforce that reflects the whole of their


Earn a Certificate. Upon completion of this set of courses, participants will be eligible to earn the Inclusion Advocate certificate.

Get Started Now!

Accelerate Inclusion consists of online professional development courses for supervisors and managers in organizations of all sizes. Through expert-led interactive sessions, case studies and course material, participants will be guided to a deeper understanding of working with and valuing all people in the workplace. While fostering and advocating empathy and respect in the workplace, participants will also develop skills to help create a companywide culture that welcomes and supports people of all abilities.

Courses include:

  • Inclusion Supervision
  • Power of Accommodation
  • Diversity and Inclusion


What you will learn: These courses are designed to provide supervisors and managers with the skills to create a welcoming, respectful work environment for all people on their teams and within the organization. Participants will learn to value, respect and advocate for all people, strengthening the entire organization.


Earn a Certificate. Upon completion of this set of courses, participants will be eligible to receive the Inclusion Mentor certificate.

Get Started Now!

Optimize Inclusion is an online professional development course for department leaders and managers who are ready to champion working with all people. Through expert-led interactive sessions, case studies and course material, participants will be equipped with tools, resources and skills to create a welcoming work environment. Participants will journey deeper into developing the skills to work effectively with and champion people with disabilities while developing and sustaining an inclusive companywide culture reflective of the whole of their communities and customers.


Courses include:

  • Self-identification Campaigns
  • Marketing Inclusivity
  • Impact Hour: An Awareness Series

    (Mental Health Awareness – Looking Beyond the Label, De-escalation – Calm in the Storm)


What you will learn: These courses are designed to move people into an inclusive mind- and skill set. Participants will learn how to include and champion all people while building a supportive workplace. Participants will learn to create and lead inclusive work environments and teams.


Earn a Certificate. Upon completion of this set of courses, participants will be eligible to receive an Inclusion Leader certificate.

Get Started Now!

Organizations that adopt the Onward Inclusion Advantage training program to educate and train employees, supervisors and leadership are eligible to be recognized and certified as an Inclusion Champion.


Tier 4 signifies that you have completed the full Onward Inclusion Advantage Program and are ready to create a plan. To earn your Inclusion Champion badge, the next step is to complete a Champion Analysis survey that essentially becomes your plan.


Upon submission, DWI will review and share your final certificate and your Inclusion Champion badge to use in your email signature and social.


Onward Inclusion Champion Certification is valid for 2 years.

Begin your journey to an inclusive workforce and business excellence today.

Purchasing for an organization?  Contact Dynamic Works Institute to enroll as a corporate account.